About Me

I took part in my first triathlon aged 11 – falling off my bike in a field, crying at not finishing and abandoning all interest in the sport…

Fast forward 15 years and, looking for a challenge, I decided to work towards the unlikely-sounding task of completing an Ironman.

After a second triathlon debut in 2015, I finished Ironman UK in Bolton and achieved another impossible dream by qualifying for the World Championships in Hawaii. I’ve since completed a number of other long distance races – both abroad and in the UK, even achieving the odd win along the way.

I decided to write a race diary to keep track of my triathlon journey and remember each event. I always find other people’s reports a huge help when working out what to try next, or how to approach an event I’ve signed up for, so I’m putting mine out there in case anyone else finds them useful too

Precision Fuel & Hydration Ambassador